kimchi mistake

My kimchi went wrong?

Three times… Three times that I failed to try to make Nappa cabbage kimchi. They’re not tasty and have a little off-flavor.


My heart was broken, that I’ve stopped making it for years because it was hard for me to accept that I’ve failed to make it even though I grew up seeing my mother and grandmother do it.

Then I’ve understood that it takes patience making it…


One day, I’ve overcome my failures when I craved homemade kimchi.

Homemade kimchi is very different from store-bought ones because it has a lot more complex flavor. You can easily adjust its salt level or reduce the spice depending on what you prefer.

I believe one of the best ways to get kimchi success instantly is to overcome your kimchi fear and start with a proven simple recipe. 

One great recipe to try if you’re a beginner and failed so many times is Mul Kimchi. A type of kimchi that has a large liquid base that can be your refreshing probiotic juice.

Making Kimchi and finding the type of kimchi that is right for you takes a lot of time. That’s why you need to search for a good, proven simple recipe.

Get Kimchi: Quick and Easy Kimchi Recipes for Weight Loss, Clear Skin, and a Healthier You (book) now!


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